
Google Scholar

I am lucky and thankful to have fantastic collaborators!!


  • Bechteler, J., Peñaloza-Bojacá, G., Bell, D., Burleigh, J. G., McDaniel, S. F., Davis, E. C., Sessa, E. B., Bippus, A., Cargill, D. C., Chantanoarrapint, S., Draper, I., Endara, L., Forrest, L. L., Garilleti, R., Graham, S. W., Huttunen, S., Lazo, J. J., Lara, F., Larraín, J., . . . A., C. V. et al. Comprehensive phylogenomic time tree of bryophytes reveals deep relationships and uncovers gene incongruences in the last 500 million years of diversification. American Journal of Botany, 110(11), e16249. DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16249


  • Guayasamin, J.M., R.Vandegrift, , T. Policha, A.C. Encalada, N. Greene, B. Blanca Ríos-Touma, L. Endara, R.E Cárdenas, , F. Larreátegui, L. Baquero, I. Arcos, , J Cueva, M. Peck, , F. Alfonso-Cortes, D. Thomas, J. DeCoux, E. Levy, B. Roy. 2021. Biodiversity conservation: local and global consequences of the application of ‘Rights of Nature’ by Ecuador. Neotropical Biodiversity. 7(1) 541-545. DOI: 10.1080/23766808.2021.2006550
  • Breinholt, J.W., S.B, Carey, G.P. Tiley, C. Davis, L. Endara, S.F. McDaniel, L.G. Neves, E.B. Sessa, M. von Konrat, S. Fawcett, S.M. Ickert-Bond, P.H. Labiak, J. Larraín, M. Lehnert, L.R. Lewis, N.S. Nagalingum, N. Patel, S.A. Rensing, W. Testo, A. Vasco, J.C. Villarreal, E.W. Williams, J.G. Burleigh. 2021. Target enrichment probe set for resolving the flagellate plant tree of life. Applications in Plant Sciences. 9(1): e11406. DOI:10.1002/aps3.11406


  • In Memoriam: Calaway Homer Dodson (1928–2020). Explorer, Scholar, Orchidologist. Lankesteriana 20(2), i – vii.
  • Luo, F., Antonenko, P., Valle, N., Davis, E.C., Sessa, E., Burleigh, G., Endara, L., McDaniel, S., & Carey, S. (2020). Collaborative design reasoning in a large interdisciplinary educational technology design project. International Journal of Designs for Learning. 11(1). DOI:.10.14434/ijdl.v11i1.25633


  • Endara, L., Burleigh, G., Cooper, L., Laporte, M., Jaiswal, P., Cui, H. 2018. A Natural Language Processing Pipeline to extract phenotypic data from formal taxonomic descriptions with a Focus on Flagellate Plants. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Biological Ontology (ICBO 2018) Corvallis, Oregon, USA, August 7-10, 201. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2285. (
  • Endara, L., Thessen, A.E., Cole, H.A., Walls, L., Gkoutos, G.V., Cao,Y., Chong S.S., Cui, H. 2018. Modifier Ontologies for frequency, certainty, degree, and coverage phenotype modifiers. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: e29232. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.6.e29232
  • Roy, B.A., M. Zorrilla,  L.Endara, D. Thomas, R. Vandegrift, J. Rubenstein, T. Policha, B. Rios-Touma, M. Read, M. 2018. New mining concessions could severely decrease biodiversity and ecosystem services in Ecuador. Tropical Conservation Science, 11: 1-20. DOI:10.1177/1940082918780427
  • Endara, L., H. Cui,  J.G. Burleigh. 2018. Semiautomatic extraction of phenotypic traits from taxonomic descriptions for the tree of life using a Natural Language Processing approach.  Applications in Plant Sciences. DOI 10.1002/aps3.1035
  • Sessa, E.B., Chambers, S.M, Li, D., Trotta, L., Endara, L., Burleigh, J.G., Baiser, B. 2018 Community assembly of the ferns of Florida. American Journal of Botany. 105 (3):549-564.


  • Endara, L.,  H.A. Cole, J.G. Burleigh, N. Nagalingum, J.A.Macklin, J.Liu, R. Sonalde, H. Cui . 2017 Building ‘the Plant Glossary” – a controlled botanical vocabulary using terms extracted from the Floras of North America and China.  Taxon 66(4): 953-966.


  • Givnish T.J., D. Spalink, M. Ames, S.P. Lyon, S.J. Hunter, A. Zuluaga, A. Doucette, G. Caro, J. MacDaniel, M.A. Clements, M.K.Arroyo, L. Endara, R. Kriebel, W.M. Whitten, N.H. Williams, K. Cameron.. 2015. Orchid historical biogeography, diversification, Antarctica, and the paradox of orchid dispersal. (Journal of Biogeography), Journal of Biogeography. 43(1905-1916).


  • Givnish T.J., D. Spalink, M. Ames, S.P. Lyon, S.J. Hunter, A. Zuluaga, W. Iles , M.A. Clements, M.K.Arroyo, J. Leebens-Mack, L. Endara , R. Kriebel, K.M. Neubig, W.M. Whitten, N.H. Williams, K. Cameron.. 2015. Orchid phylogenomics and multiple drivers of their extraordinary diversification. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 282 (1814).
  • Daly, M., L. Endara, J.G. Burleigh. 2015. Peeking behind the page: using Natural Language Processing to identify and explore the characters used to classify sea anemones. Zoologischer Anzeiger 256 (54-60).
  • Huang, F., J. Macklin, H.Cui, H. Cole, L. Endara. 2015. OTO: Ontology Term Organizer,  BMC Bioinformatics 16(47).
  • Liu, J., L. Endara, H. Cui, J.G. Burleigh. 2015. MatrixConverter: Facilitating construction of phenomic character matrices. Applications in Plant Sciences 3(2).


  • Endara, L., A. Soto-Centeno, T.A. Lott, P.S. Soltis. Preserving biodiversity for long-term research: The Genetic Resources Repository of the Florida Museum of Natural History. in: Applequist, W.L., Campbell, L.M. DNA Banking for the 21st Century, Proceeding of the U.S. Workshop on DNA Banking. 2014. The William Brown Center at the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. pp 49-55.


  • Neubig, KM, M.W.Whitten, N.H. Williams, M.A. Blanco, L. Endara, G. Burleigh, K. Silvera, J.C. Cushman, M. Chase. 2012. Generic recircumscriptions of Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae: Cymbidieae) based on maximum likelihood analysis of combined DNA datasets.  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168:117-146


  • Endara, L., L. Jost. Orchidaceae. In: S. León-Yánez,  R. Valencia, L. Endara, N.,  Pitman, C. Ulloa-Ulloa (eds.). The Red Book of the Endemic Plants of Ecuador 2011. Publications of QCA Herbarium, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
  • Endara, L., N.H. Williams, M.W.Whitten. 2011. Filogenia molecular preliminar de Scaphosepalum (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae).  Lankesteriana 11(3):245-252
  • Neubig, K.M., W. M. Whitten, M.A. Blanco, L. Endara, N. Williams,  S. Koehler. 2011. Preliminary Molecular Phylogenetics of Sobralia and relatives (Orchidaceae: Sobraliae). Lankesteriana 11(3):307-317
  • Judd, W.S., G.M. Ionta, L. Endara, K.C.ST.E. Campbell. 2011. Miconia pseudorigida (Melastomataceae: Miconia) Re-collected in the John Crow Mountains, Jamaica, with notes on its conservation status.  Journal of Botanical Research of the Institute of Texas 5(2):727


  • Endara L., D. A. Grimaldi, B. A. Roy. 2010. Lord of the flies: Pollination of Dracula orchids. Lankesteriana. 10(1):1-11


  • Endara, L., N.H. Williams, S. León-Yánez. 2009. Patrones de endemismo de orquídeas endémicas ecuatorianas: perspectivas y prioridades para la conservación. In: Pridgeon A M, Suárez JP (eds) Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference on Andean Orchids. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador, pp 63-70.
  • Neubig, K.M., W. M. Whitten, B.S. Carlsward, M.A. Blanco, L. Endara, N. Williams, M. Moore. 2009. Phylogenetic utility of ycf1 in orchids: a plastid gene more variable than matK. Plant Systematics and Evolution 277:75-84.


  • Blanco M.A, G. Carnevali, Whitten, M, R. B. Singer, S. Koehler, N. H. Williams, I. Ojeda,  K.M. Neubig,  L. Endara, 2007. Generic Realignments in Maxillariinae (Orchidaceae).  Lankesteriana. 7(3):515-537.
  • Whitten, M, M.A.. Blanco, N. H. Williams, S. Koehler, G. Carnevali, R. B. Singer,  L. Endara, K.M. Neubig. 2007.  Molecular Phylogenetics of Maxillaria and Related genera (Orchidaceae: Cymbidieae) Based Upon Combined Molecular Data Sets. American Journal of Botany. 94:1860-1889.


  • Blanco, M. A, W. M. Whitten, D. S. Penneys, N. H. Williams, K. M. Neubig, L. Endara. 2006. A Simple and Safe Method for Rapid Drying of Plant Specimens Using Forced-Air Space Heaters. Selbyana 27: 83-87.


  • Coppus, R., L. Endara, M. Nonhebel, V. Mera, S. León-Yánez, P. Mena V,. J. Wolf, R. Hofstede. 2001. Conservation Status of several Highland systems (Paramos) in Ecuador: A field methodology. In: Mena V., P., G. Medina, R. Hofstede (Eds.) Los Páramos del Ecuador. Particularidades, Problemas y Perspectivas. Abya Yala – Proyecto Páramo. Quito.


  • Endara, L. 2000. Orchidaceae. Pgs. 257-372 in: Valencia, R. N. Pitman, S. León-Yánez & P.M. Jorgensen (eds.). The Red Book of the Endemic Plants of Ecuador 2000.  Publications of QCA Herbarium, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito.
  • Freile Juan F. & L. Endara. 2000. First Nesting Record of Lanceolated Monklet Micromonacha lanceolata and Notes on its Conservation Status. Cotinga 14: 14-16.

In press

  • Endara, L.,  H. Cui,  J.G. Burleigh. A New Approach to Teach Taxonomy and Scientific Research Skills using Natural Language Processing (submitted to CourseSource – Lessons).
  • Endara, L.,  J.G. Burleigh, T. Rodenhausen, H. Cui. Natural Language Processing pipeline, a useful tool for the biology, taxonomy or systematics classroom or laboratory (submitted to CourseSource – Teaching tools and strategies).
  • Luo, F., Antonenko, P., Valle, N., Davis, E.C., Sessa, E., Burleigh, G., Endara, L., McDaniel, S., & Carey, S. Collaborative Design Reasoning in a Large Interdisciplinary Educational Technology Design Project. (International Journal of Designs for Learning)

In review

  • Valle, N., A. Pavlo, L. Endara, C.E. Davis, G. Somarriba, E. Sessa, F. Luo. S. Carey, S. Dogan, G. Burleigh, M. von Konrat, S. McDaniel. Inquiry learning, storytelling, or community science? Exploring effective outcomes and the role of gender in online botany learning. (British Journal of Educational Technology).

Co-described species:

In: Luer, C. 2011. Miscellaneous new species in the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) excluding species from Brazil. Harvard Papers in Botany 16 (2) pp. 311-360

  • Scaphosepalum rinkei Luer & L. Endara

In: Luer, C. 2009. Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXX, Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden  115. St. Louis, Missouri

  •  Stelis espinosae Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis lugoi Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis oreada Luer & L. Endara

In: Luer, C. 2007. Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXIX, Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden  112. St. Louis, Missouri

  •  Effusiella scolnikiae Luer & L. Endara
  • Pleurothallis davisii Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis anderssonii Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis orbiculata Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis asplundii Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis ramificans Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis barbimentosa Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis septicola Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis drewii Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis stromii Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis hymenopetala Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis thamiostachya Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis lacunata Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis tropex Luer & L. Endara

In: Luer, C. 2005. Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXVII, Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden  103. St. Louis, Missouri

  • Acronia diazii Luer & L. Endara
  • Acronia folsomii Luer & L. Endara
  • Acronia fonnegrae Luer & L. Endara
  • Acronia hawsinkii Luer & L. Endara
  • Acronia homeroi Luer & L. Endara
  • Acronia iris Luer & L. Endara
  • Acronia lutherii Luer & L. Endara

In: Luer, C. 2004. Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXVI, Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 95. St. Louis, Missouri

  • Platystele gaileana Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis fabulosa Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis intonsa Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis loejtnantii Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis macrolemma Luer & L. Endara
  • Stelis venosa Luer & L. Endara

In: Freire-Fierro, C. 2002. A New Species of Ribes (Grossulariaceae), along with Notes and Key to Ecuadorian Species, Systematic Botany 27 (1): pp. 14-18.

  • Ribes nanophyllum Freire-Fierro & L. Endara

Species discovered

  • Porroglossum lorenae Luer In: Luer, C. 2004. Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXVI, Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 95. St. Louis, Missouri
  • Stelis lorenae Luer In: Luer, C. 2007. Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXIX, Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden  112. St. Louis, Missouri

Electronic publications,  websites, popular forum: