Plant in Human Affairs lab setup
Formidable courageous TA’s in times of Covid – the success of the class.
I love to teach this class. Together we explore together how plants play a protagonist role in our lives.
I teach this class introducing students to fun plant stories, which I connect to a variety of disciplines, like chemistry, nutrition, medicine, industry, fashion, literature, and history (among others).
Every week, students have a lab designed to complement their lectures. The lab is a beautiful setup of live-plants and plant products, with a fun hands-on project where students can solidify their knowledge.
Tie-dye with plant pigments Candle-making with wax myrtle Soap-making with olive and coconut oil
Covid did not stop us this year! We completed all of our labs and we even had an Online Plant Symposium prepared by our 62 students, which was so much fun to produce and watch. Through Covid and this activity, we were able to learn so much about plants and our student’s interests, personalities and creativity.